Sunday, December 22, 2013

Love And Forever.

By Lili Boss

Great love stories can touch your heart, make you laugh and move you to tears. Regardless if you are with the love of your life or still looking for your soul mate, a great love story pulls on the heartstrings. Here are a few of the most popular love stories of all time, plus a few new ones you may have missed.

Bronte's 'Wuthering Heights' tops most great love story lists. It's a classic story of how love can turn a man evil. Set in the early 1800's on the Wuthering Heights estate, the story focuses on the love of Heathcliff and his adopted sister Catherine. They are best friends and, by all accounts meant for each other. Unfortunately, an overheard, off-hand remark destroys their chance of happiness together.

'Anna Karenina' by Tolstoy is another great love story. It's a soap opera that revolves around the life and love of Anna. Anna is married and a member of Russian aristocracy. She visits her brother in Moscow with the intention of helping him save his marriage, but in the process falls in love with Count Vronsky.

She struggles with her desires but ultimately is overcome by them and leaves her husband, but she is denied a divorce and spends the rest of her life seeking acceptance for her relationship. The stress proves too much for her.

Perhaps when one thinks of great love stories no other tale comes to mind as often as Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet.' It's the story of lovers who were meant for each other but could not be together. The balcony scene projects this dilemma exquisitely. But, alas, another tragic ending, it really is all in the timing.

Our short list of great love stories are all from the past. It seems only occasionally does a great contemporary love story break through to the bestseller lists. 'Cold Mountain' by Charles Frazier is one of the few. It bares striking similarities to 'Romeo and Juliet' complete with a tragic ending.

A more recent novel, 'Some Glad Morning' by Gary C. Horton is now climbing the bestseller charts and has a similar plot, but with several surprising twists. The lovers are kept apart by social status and the leading man must first establish himself.

However, Ransom is a destitute sharecropper's son and Elizabeth is the daughter of a wealthy Charleston planter. The author skillfully entertains as the story weaves through several unforeseen twists to ultimately arrive at a brilliant and heartwarming ending.

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Your Best Bet For Getting Your Girlfriend Back

By Ann Singer

Are you frustrated with your attempts to try to get back together with your ex? Do well meaning conversations turn into battles where you are constantly trying to defend yourself? Are your words and actions taken out of context by your ex and used against you?

Do you feel like your ex is living in a totally different reality and you feel like you simply can't win? How can you straighten things out and get back to that loving relationship that you both once shared? How can you turn things around and make your ex see that you truly love them with all your heart?

Think of your ex girlfriend like a cat. If you chase after a cat, what is it going to do? The cat will run away. This is what makes herding cats so difficult! The same goes for many animals. If you chase after them, they will flee or fight. This is called the fight or flight instinct. It is a part of our own instinct also and it transcends relationships also.

Right now your ex has it in their mind that your only goal is to get back together. Any promises that you make or words that you speak are tainted by your seeming desire to posess them and get back together with them.

They made a decision and any attempt to circumvent that decision is met with resistance. The harder you try, the worse things are going to get. No matter what you say or do, your ex is going to resist you and their logic will always be tainted by that one thought. You just want to get back together.

It is only once your ex has a desire or even an inkling of a desire to spend time with you and talk with you that things will begin to change. Creating that desire is rather simple. You have a history and many happy memories that you can use as a tool to reignite that passion, desire and romance. Of course, simply throwing a bunch of picture of the two of you together in their face isn't going to get you that desire. Remember that right now your ex is only thinking that you're trying to manipulate them. This is why it is necessary to allow your ex to cool off a bit. Give them some time. Allow a short amount of time to pass and heal those open wounds.

Take advantage of this time apart and while you're waiting for time to do its healing thing, begin to create a life that will be attractive to your ex. Start doing things that you think that your ex might want to do. Even little things like going somewhere during the weekend or making some changes to your house are enough to get their interest. Start working out or studying something new.

These two steps are a good basic way to get your ex back. Allow some time to pass and create a life that your ex would be interested in being a part of. Once there is interest and the smoke has cleared from the breakup, you can gently remind your ex of all the pleasant and fun memories that you had together. There's no pushing or convincing or trickery here. This is just good, basic relationship advice that can help you to get your ex back.

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3 Easy Ways To Make A Man Want To Date You

By Sasha H. Peterson

Have you found a really cute guy that you're interested in? Do you wish that he would make the first move? Do you want to get his attention but you don't want to be too pushy? How can you get the attention of the man you're interested in especially if he has a lot of women that are interested in him?

Even though it is acceptable in this day and age to ask a guy out on a date, you might not want to do this. For many men, this is a turn off. It very well might spell certain death to your potential relationship if he is the kind of man that wants to feel like a man. Even though it's not a problem for many men, you still might want him to make the first move. This puts the power in your hands and even though you may have led him to this decision in some subtle ways, it will still be his idea that the two of you spend some quality time together.

First, be yourself at all times. Be honest about your likes and dislikes. Trying to fit yourself into a mold or become all the things that you feel he is looking for in a woman is self-defeating. After all, once he does fall in love with you it would be devastating for him to reject you because you lied or presented yourself in a way that wasn't necessarily true. If you don't like football, don't pretend that you do. He will find out the truth soon enough and that can be an embarrassing conversation to have.

We all have more than a few skeletons in our closets. Maybe you have made a few mistakes in your life or you are ashamed of where you come from. Even if it is easy to avoid these topics when asked, tell the truth. In the beginning stages of a relationship, men are very non-judgmental and if he likes you he will accept you as you are. There's no reason to hide anything. You might feel uncomfortable being asked the question but think about how he is going to feel when you tell him the truth. He is going to feel bad about bringing up a topic that might not have a pleasant answer but also, you will have shared something with him that not too many people know about. This will create a bond between the two of you and it will actually help your relationship.

When you are communicating with him, whether that be talking in person, on the phone or through text messages, let him talk. Avoid that temptation to spill your guts and try to impress him. Let him impress you. If he is asking question after question, stop him and blatantly tell him that it's your turn to learn a little bit about him. Once you get him talking you should be able to find out a lot about him. With each answer there is the opportunity to dig deeper into his life, his hopes and his dreams. Listening to him talk will allow you to get a better idea of who he is as well as whether he truly is the man of your dreams. Letting him talk will also allow you to bond with him. Most women take a more passive role in conversations with guys that they like. You will be seen as different. Letting him talk tells him that you are truly interested in him..

Try to be as happy and optimistic as possible. Smile, laugh and be happy. While everyone has troubles in their life, avoid sounding negative at all cost. Women who are bubbly and vivacious are often the ones that you will see with many men chasing after them. There is a reason behind this. Men like to be around happy women. They're fun and nobody enjoys spending time with someone that is depressed or who complains about life. Even if you have something to complain about, laughing it off or being optimistic about the fact that things will make him look at you as strong and different from other women.

You might think that flirting is out of style or that no intelligent man would ever fall for some shameless flirting but the truth is that it still works. No matter how successful he is or how handsome he is, deep down inside he wants to be treated like a prince. He wants you to stroke his ego and be a little feminine and coy with him. Have fun flirting and don't hold back. Toss your hair and look up at him seductively. Touch him when you're talking to him and smile at him. Bat your eyelashes at him and give him your most seductive look and you will turn the most hardened of players into a puddle of mush.

Attracting a guy might be easy but keeping his attention is where the real challenge begins. The methods here will surely make him stand up and notice you but it's up to you to figure out if he's the one for you. Men are pretty simple and if you follow some of the advice here you should have any man eating out of your hand in no time. Practice these techniques on waiters, the checkout guy at the grocery store or any willing red blooded male and you will soon become proficient at getting any man's attention. Use these powers for good and not bad and good luck attracting the man of your dreams.

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Saturday, December 21, 2013

How To Talk To Women

By Masha Kuilboer

Even if you find it very difficult to make conversation with a woman you like, you can find a way to get better at it and to feel a lot more comfortable talking to a woman you are attracted to. Far too often, guys will allow the fact that they feel awkward talking to a woman keep them from approaching women that they would like to be able to get to know better or take out on a date. You don't want to have to go through that, because you know that if you don't find a way to have an easy time talking to women, the dating game is always going to seem hard to you and it really doesn't have to be that way at all.
[How To Talk To Women]

The moment that you begin to think of her as being someone you really want to get with, you are going to feel a lot of pressure that just doesn't have to be there. If you can trick your mind into feeling like you really don't feel that attracted to her, you'll feel a ton of that pressure come off and that alone can make it seem a lot easier to talk to a woman.

I'd finally get past my approach anxiety and start talking with a woman. - "Hey, my name is Carlos..." And after I got the conversation started - WHAM. I'd get nervous when I couldn't remember any of the stuff I'd memorized. - Do I say that thing about "who lies more"? Or do I tease her? What was that great teasing line I thought of the other day...? I mean, I thought I knew it cold when I left the house, but between then and now I totally lost it. And I'd stand there like a deer in the headlights, no idea what to say to her.How to talk to women You thought you were all prepared after reading all my cool advice and tips, but now you're sitting in that uncomfortable silence while she stares at you, waiting for SOMETHING to come out of your mouth.

Showing her that you have some shared interests is one of the BEST ways to get her feeling like she wants to exchange phone numbers or spend time with you later. If she feels that you and her have some things in common, that becomes something that you can talk about that leads to her wanting to spend time with you. So, find some of those common interests as quickly as you can.Angelica was a gorgeous 24 year old graduate student who had asked me this question: "Why don't men know how to talk to women?"

You see, I found out that just sitting at home on my couch reading this stuff on my computer wasn't enough. I had to practice some of the things out loud. But even that was not enough, so I tried something a little different and off the wall. And it worked like a champ!I'm assuming that you've walked up and said "Hi" or some other opener to get the conversation started. I've taught you plenty of methods in these newsletters,and, as you know, it's not what you open with that's important, but what you say NEXT that will make the difference.

If he knows how to be natural, unpretentious, and not trying to get down my pants, then I'll probably hear him out." "C'mon," I said, "Most men who talk to you just want to get into your pants. But then there are guys like me who realize that a pretty face is really common around here. I like to see what women are made of."

If you want to learn how to talk to women then you should pay very close attention to the conversation I just had with Angelica. She gave us all real insight into what women are looking for when men walk up to them. But there's also a lot she left out and I'm going to fill in some of that gap. Most attractive women are attention seekers.

Then you want to spend some time saying the words out loud. This will help you rehearse and say things smoothly, and it also engages your "auditory" modality. And you also want to spend some time reviewing things on paper. Read and re-read the phrases and information you want to commit to memory. This will engage your "visual" modality.But even this is not enough for most of us. You need ONE extra simple step to make this work, and it's something that not many guys know about. I've got a special method that increases your results about 1000%.How to talk to women - STEP 3: ENGAGE "SITUATIONAL REHEARSAL" TECHNIQUE Back when I was in high school, I used to have a good method of learning material I needed for tests. You probably did, too.

How to speak with women I would cram all my notes on a piece of paper with facts, writing stuff everywhere, and in every direction. On the margins, sideways, whatever. Then, when it came time to study for a test on dates and names and memorized facts, I would just sit down with the page and cover up sections with my hand and try to recall the information.Well, we all did this in some way or another with our notes. What you don't realize is that you weren't learning the information as much as you were learning WHERE that information was on the paper. You got locked into recalling the information based on WHERE it was, not WHAT it was. So when you get a fact or information that you can't see on a piece of paper, you would forget it fast. (Which it's so easy to forget names. We're not paying attention to it enough the first time, and there's nothing to anchor it in our heads.)

If you walked up to a little kid and started talking to them would you be thinking any of these things? What about walking up to a friend? What about walking up to a 70 year old women? In your mind you view these things a harmless. You view them as having equal or less social value than you do, so it's far easier to approach them and start a conversation. Yet, if you see a very good-looking woman, your tongue gets tied up and your mind begins playing tricks on you.

Being able to allow her to talk about herself is a good way to keep the conversation going and it helps to create a bond with her. When you talk too much about yourself, you can easily make her feel like you don't really care about her or who she is.

A simple "hi" or "what's up?" can do wonders. Conversation is a learned skill. Just like walking, writing, or riding a bike. This is why any man can learn how to talk to women, anywhere, anytime, and virtually any place. I picked up my last girlfriend at a gas station. The one before her I met on an online dating website. And the one before her I met on the side walk while walking my older sister's dog. All it took was breaking the ice, acting natural, and not trying too hard:

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Online Dating - My First Time

By Abbey Deromer

Okay. I'll have a look, however I'm not stating that I'm visiting take part in online dating simply yet. I have actually heard the excellence tales and the scary tales about online dating, however I do not have any first hand experience to share with you on the subject.

Exactly what I prepare to do in this write-up is take you with me while I check out the various online dating services offered online. Brace yourself and buckle your seatbelt, I'm visiting attempt something I saw in an animation.

Just kidding. That's something I like to say to the passengers in my car just before I start to drive. Maybe that's part of the reason I'm having dating problems in the first place.

Okay, the first site I found states it's a "complimentary" online dating service. Online, warnings constantly increase for me when somebody states that magic word, "complimentary". However, let's take a closer appearance.

Well, it sounds good. It says it is, "an internet dating service that provides a comfortable and intimate environment where you can safely and conveniently search and find your perfect soul mate, while having lots of fun. Thousands of dating ads of singles that are looking for dating romance, intimacy and friendship is available for you to browse through. Your ideal companion might be among them. (site name deleted) brings dating to new frontiers, making impossible, possible!"

I'm having a little problem with the comfy and intimate environment condition. They have not seen the space my computer system sits in. Safe and hassle-free noises good though. However if the internet site is simply a great deal of individual advertisements, cannot I simply get something like that at my neighborhood information stand or in my neighborhood paper?

I think I'll proceed and have a look to see if there are online dating services that offer even more than dating suggestions and individual advertisements.

Hmm, now I discover myself on an online dating site that declares to be the greatest online dating service online. It has a broad view of Dr. Phil on the front. Practically frightened me away, however I'll difficult it out and remain to see exactly what they provide.

Here is what they say, "Looking for more in a relationship and a dating site? With over 10 years of experience in online dating and relationships, (site name deleted) is the worldwide leader in online dating and relationships. Where else can you find millions of singles looking for love, just like you? We don't offer just online personals, we are personal in our offerings - to help you find a date, a relationship, a marriage.

Whoa! Marital relationship? I stated I may attempt online dating. I never ever stated anything about marital relationship! And now I have the mental image of "millions of songs searching for love". Wow! Millions. Okay, so they seem huge, however exactly what do they in fact provide?

Well, first off, they don't really tell you much about the services they provide. Just a lot of information about the millions who have gotten married through their online dating service. So I bit the bullet and went to the sign up form to learn more.

Now comes the cash concern. $29.95 for a month or I can get sales for longer memberships. Then there is the Dr. Phil MindFindBind program that costs more. Now I'm chuckling due to the fact that considering that I am inspecting the online dating service out while entering this post, I obviously have actually waited too long to make my choice due to the fact that a popup simply reached provide me aid with comprising my mind.

They do have some cost-free services, however those are generally, produce a profile, appearance at profiles, and so on. That's similar to the free of cost services on the first online dating site. You need to spend for the capability to in fact reply to any e-mails sent out to you by various other members or block members or to see which members have actually taken a peek at your profile. That all noises all right, however if you opt for the entire Dr. Phil bundle you get an online dating tutorial, a video about online dating, online dating workshops, and online dating assistance. Wow!

Well, as I stated, I have not chosen simply yet, so we are getting to have a look at another online dating website together. Okay, this one is complimentary. They have a patent pending on their matchmaking concept. They compute your matchability in portions.

The online dating method they use goes like this, "When you answer a question in our improve matches area we learn: (1) your answer, (2) how you'd like someone else to answer, and (3) how important the question is to you. We collect these three values for all users.

Your match portion with an offered individual on (website name erased), let's call him b, is based upon the worths of (1), (2), and (3) for concerns you have actually both responded to. We'll call that set S later on in this description:" Wow! I thought that simply routine dating was complexed.

I think I'm going to keep checking out more online dating websites until I find the one that is right for me. So far, the ones we just toured have been too much like personal ads, too expensive, too Dr. Phillish for my tastes, or too complicated. I'm sure though, just like finding the right date, there is an online dating website out there for me and one for you too!

I urge you to a minimum of attempt online dating. However do not stop at the first online dating service you discover, similar to ideally you would not stop at the first songs bar you saw. Look into as numerous as you have to in order to discover the online dating service that is right for you.

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Tools For Long Distance Couples

By Jack Roberts

After committing to your long distance relationship for a few weeks, you will notice how hard it can be to keep the romance alive. It is vital to keep in close contact with your partner while you are away from them, which can prove to be quite difficult at first, but with these helpful (and free) tools, your relationship will be much easier to maintain.

The Mail Service

That's right, The Mail Service! Emails are speedy and instant messaging is efficient, but do you remember a long time before that when we would mail our letters to each other? Research has found that long distance couples who write love letters to each other have proven to have exceptionally strong relationships.

Couples Advice Books

Or any other long distance relationship guidance books for that matter. Once you feel yourself getting into a boring routine day after day, seek out some great connection building questions to talk over. You will learn a lot more about each other that will strengthen your relationship.


Streaming services are unfortunately beginning to outdate DVD and BluRay. But that means you don't have to buy separate copies of one movie to enjoy watching it together. Simply sign up for an account, press play together while on webcam, and have yourselves a cosy night in together.

Online Phone Service

And what good would a long distance relationship tools checklist be without a good old internet webcam service? This is by far the greatest and most essential tool you can have for your long distance relationship. It's easy, fast, and free to use. This will allow you to see each other on webcam every minute if you want to. But we really advice against couples spending longer than four hours per day talking together. While talking for long periods of time will initially help you to deal with the distance, it's also healthy to go outside and have independent lives too.


This tool is a great way to share your snaps! Instagram is a photo sharing and social networking website. You can take pictures of yourself, implement a filter to them, and share them on Facebook or Twitter for your loved one to check out. You can create an album for each day or week of your time apart, edit their captions so that you can tell them about each part of your day and make it feel like they have been there with you.

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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

How To Meet And Attract Women On The Street

By J. Ryu

You find yourself walking down the street with no expectations, when you see your future girlfriend walking along minding her own business. She immediately catches your eye and your heart. You want to meet her, you want to go up to her, stop her and have a deep conversation with her.

Then you start thinking how she would respond if a bum like you accosted her in the middle of the day, on a strange street. Because if a real bum were to accost YOU in the middle of the road, you 'd feel harassed, irritated, and/or a bit scared.

Well, trying to stop a woman in the street is just about like that. Everybody wants to feel busy, engaged, and self important so a woman walking busily down the street is in a hurry to get somewhere not that terribly important. A strange man stopping her from her mission is akin to a bum stopping you for money. Because of the mission oriented mindset of the woman, the success rate of stopping and positively engaging a woman is LOW. A woman doesn't want to be stopped. Even if they're going nowhere, they still think they're going somewhere. The concept of meeting a woman on the street just doesn't work.

Then what exactly should you do? Should you just let that cutie walk along and out of your life? Not if your dating life depends on it! There is a way, a better way then trying to stop a woman on the street. A way that makes the conditions to approach her much more ideal for success.

Basically, do not try to stop a moving target on a mission... follow her. Don't creep up on her, don't rush after her, and definitely don't stalk her! Just do some Mission Impossible recon and follow her. Follow her because people walking on the street are not walking far. If they're walking, they're walking to someplace close, otherwise they'd be driving in their car. So If you see a woman walking down the street, chances are, she is going to some place close.

So be like 007, low-profile and cool, and trail her. As soon as she has stopped and you have determined her destination, you can now regroup and come up with a game plan. Depending on the kind of location and environment, you will need to readjust your opening but once she has actually settled at her destination, you can approach her like normal in an environment that is a lot more conducive to approaching.

A stationary target is much easier to hit then a moving one. So be patient, get in touch with your inner 007, do some mission impossible spy work, and approach her at the right time.

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